Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Mama to Be in Waiting

Well, we went for our 39 week appointment today. Doc says nothing has changed from last week! I was very disappointed! Oh well, my Doc is going out of town this weekend but seems to think I will make it until he comes back so that is good. I have another appointment scheduled for Tuesday morning, Sept. 7th (the due date) and hopefully we will have progressed some by then. Doc also said there have been a lot of scheduled induction so to play it safe he wanted to go ahead and schedule me for next Friday the 10th just so I have that as an option. I am kind of hoping that Baby Al will come on his own before then. I have this part of me that doesn't want to miss out on the "excitement" of waking Bill up in the middle of the night to tell him it's time! Anyways, we will play it by ear but because we are so anxious to meet the little guy we will probably keep our induction date (if we make it that far)!