Friday, October 1, 2010

Baby Al is Here!!!

William Allen Smyly, IV has finally arrived. Al arrived on his due date, September 7th, at 2:45pm. Not too bad considering my contractions started around 4:15am. I thought the labor and delivery process went rather smoothly and rather fast from what I hear. My advice to future mothers is EPIDURAL! I did not feel a darn thing after I got mine. I mean a little pressure during delivery but very bearable!

So, our first night home was a little overwhelming. Al was not happy and Bill and I both thought we were going to lose our minds! Ever since then he has been a great baby. The first night was rough as I expected but it is totally worth every minute. We had a little trouble feeding at first and Al lost about a pound after we left the hospital. Once we got things figured out all went well. Feeding every two hours is exhausting. We were finally able to move it up to every three hours after he got back to his birthweight.

We have now been home for about 3 weeks and baby Al is getting to where he only wakes up once at night to eat! This excites me and Bill. Al is eating well and sleeping well. He is even talented enough to eat WHILE sleeping which is a wee bit frustrating for me. Once again TOTALLY worth it!

Bill and I are both very tired but we could not be happier. Al is the joy of our lives!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Mama to Be in Waiting

Well, we went for our 39 week appointment today. Doc says nothing has changed from last week! I was very disappointed! Oh well, my Doc is going out of town this weekend but seems to think I will make it until he comes back so that is good. I have another appointment scheduled for Tuesday morning, Sept. 7th (the due date) and hopefully we will have progressed some by then. Doc also said there have been a lot of scheduled induction so to play it safe he wanted to go ahead and schedule me for next Friday the 10th just so I have that as an option. I am kind of hoping that Baby Al will come on his own before then. I have this part of me that doesn't want to miss out on the "excitement" of waking Bill up in the middle of the night to tell him it's time! Anyways, we will play it by ear but because we are so anxious to meet the little guy we will probably keep our induction date (if we make it that far)!

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Well, I went to the Doctor Wednesday and Baby Al is head down. Dr. Collins said he could come any day or it could be 4 weeks. We are not dialated yet but I have another appointment on Wednesday! We are excited and the nursery is all finished. My bag is packed and so is Baby Al's!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Pregnancy Update

Ok, so I went to the Doctor today. By my calendar we are at about 35 1/2 weeks. I met with the Doctor and he said everything looked really good. He measured my belly with a tape measure and it is measuring about 36 1/2 to 37 weeks. After having him say that I asked him out of curiosity about how much he thought Baby Al would weigh...he said "somewhere between 7 1/2 to 8lbs is my guess". For about the last four weeks of a pregnancy the baby should gain about a 1/2lb a week. We are getting to the end and Bill is getting more and more excited! My friend Crystal brought her 4 week old over the other day and Bill just held her and walked around the house with her talking to her. After they left he said he wanted his baby. I guess that means he is really ready to be a daddy right?

Monday, July 26, 2010

Baby Shower 7-25-10

Bill's aunts were so kind and gave me a baby shower on Sunday July 25th. We had 26 people come to celebrate this next stage of our lives. We got some awesome baby essentials and some really adorable clothes. The little man is going to be the best dressed little boy at Camp! I am starting to get REALLY excited about baby Al's arrival. Thank you to my amazing Hostesses and to all my friends that were able to come and celebrate with us. Those that could not make it, we missed you!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I know it has been a while since I have blogged but a lot has happened and I needed to update. As most of you know Bill and I are expecting our first son in September 2010. We are going to be sooooo excited to welcome William Allen Smyly, IV to our family. We are going to call him Al. Bill's father, William Allen Smyly, Jr., was called Al. The cool thing is that it is not just a Smyly family name but a Till (my mom's side) family name as well. I have an Uncle Allen and an Uncle Bill (William).

Anyways, the other cool thing about being pregnant right now is that my good friend Crystal is having a baby in two weeks, Anna and Justin are having TWINS very soon, Ashly and Eddie are expecting, Alex and Scott are expecting, and so many others that I can not even remember. I just think it is going to be so neat for all of our friends to have young children together.
