Thursday, March 26, 2009

Today is a new day :). My day started in the dark this morning. I was taking a shower and just before I got out the power blinked and then went out for the rest of the morning. I had to go work with wet hair, that now looks kind of crazy, and I had to put my make up on via candlelight. When I got to school the kids kept saying "what is wrong with your face?" So after the third kid asked what was on my face I got my mirror out of and looked at my face only to find out I had concealer all over my chin and it almost looked purple. I guess that is what I get for trying to put my make up on in the dark! It was a tad embarassing.

Now I am home and just chillin on my front porch in my new furniture that my awesome husband put together last night! He is the best.


M :)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Welcome to Mel's Spot. I am new to this so it may take me a little while to get used to. So, I guess I am supposed to tell you what is going on with me? I am getting sick of my geography class I have online this semester. I think my teacher is mistaken on what she is supposed to be teaching and testing on. Oh, well! My other classes are pretty good, no real complaints there. I am tired of the school messing with my account every single semester. They tried to charge me for out of state tuition for the summer. I have never lived anywhere but here so I just do not understand why they would change my account. I am signed up for three classes in the summer and four in the fall. Hopefully by fall 2010 I will be finished and can get out there and find a good job. Maybe someone will actually be hiring by then. Till next time....

Yours truly,

M :)