Saturday, August 21, 2010


Well, I went to the Doctor Wednesday and Baby Al is head down. Dr. Collins said he could come any day or it could be 4 weeks. We are not dialated yet but I have another appointment on Wednesday! We are excited and the nursery is all finished. My bag is packed and so is Baby Al's!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Pregnancy Update

Ok, so I went to the Doctor today. By my calendar we are at about 35 1/2 weeks. I met with the Doctor and he said everything looked really good. He measured my belly with a tape measure and it is measuring about 36 1/2 to 37 weeks. After having him say that I asked him out of curiosity about how much he thought Baby Al would weigh...he said "somewhere between 7 1/2 to 8lbs is my guess". For about the last four weeks of a pregnancy the baby should gain about a 1/2lb a week. We are getting to the end and Bill is getting more and more excited! My friend Crystal brought her 4 week old over the other day and Bill just held her and walked around the house with her talking to her. After they left he said he wanted his baby. I guess that means he is really ready to be a daddy right?